Stephanie Allen-Krauss
Stephanie Allen-Krauss is a fourth generation rug hooker and learned rug hooking at and early from my mother, Anne Ashworth, a nationally-known rug hooking teacher. During her teenage years, Stephanie learned about dyeing wool fabric, and later about repairing rugs. In 1999 she opened a retail shop in Montpelier, Vermont- Green Mountain Hooked Rugs– where she sells supplies for rug hookers, teaches classes and offers rug repair. During her career she’s held offices in local, national, and International rug hooking guilds, and in 2010, she was honored with the Governor’s Heritage Award as best folk artist in the state of Vermont. Her rugs have received numerous awards and have been featured in several national publications. To date, her body of work includes more than three hundred hooked rugs. She has a long history of teaching, beginning with two college degrees in education and then teaching rug hooking since the early 1990’s. She’s been the director of two rug hooking schools- Green Mountain Rug School and Fall Fiesta Rug School.
Most recently she’s enjoyed an exploration of antique geometric rugs due in part to a job she holds in New York, where she’s the lead restorer for a large private collection of antique hooked rugs. Seven rugs of her own original designs are now in this private collection as well. Stephanie currently lives in Montpelier, Vermont, with my ever-patient husband and aging cat.