Sarah Koff

Sarah Koff

I am a NH-based printmaker, gardener, and environmentalist exploring place through woodcut. I am an optimist, and I create woodcuts to celebrate what we have and what we need to hold onto. My pieces honor local farms, edible weeds and gardens, pollinators, birds threatened by climate change, and important ecosystems like saltmarshes, forests, and alpine communities. 

A former environmental educator with a masters’ degree in ecological design, I have always been intrigued by the connection between humans and the natural world. As I have grown, so too has my drive to inspire people to become as invested in protecting the natural world as I am. Through both reduction and multiple block woodcut, I portray my subjects as full, vibrant, beautiful, and alive. The rhythm and repetition of the printmaking process mirrors the rhythms and patterns inherent in nature. I want viewers to walk away feeling a connection with this piece of nature, a curiosity to go outside and explore, and a desire to protect their own place.

I am a juried member of the League of NH Craftsmen and have participated in artist residencies with the University of Michigan Biological Station and United Plant Savers.  I also create block printed logos and graphics for businesses and organizations through Ink and Light Creative.