Weave a Twill Tote
Workshop Fee: $280.00
This striking tote is as practical as it is beautiful. The pattern is created by specific placement of the dyed vs natural weavers and stakes. Students will weave the base in an over 2 under 2 twill pattern, creating a solid bottom. Students will then upset the stakes. We will twine a temporary row around the base and then the sides are woven using start/stop rows in an over 2 under 2 pattern. Once the sides are complete students will “down stake”, measure and scarf their rim, and then lash the rim to the basket. The last step is to add straps made from shaker tape (heavy-duty fabric strapping used to make chair seats). The finished basket will be approximately 9” high x 16” long and 10” deep. Prior weaving experience is helpful but not required. Students should bring a measuring tape and scissors. All other tools and materials will be provided.
Skills and Techniques:
- Twilling
- Twining
- Down staking
- Rim scarfing
- Lashing
Materials Fee: $55 paid directly to the instructor
Special Tools or Equipment: Students should bring a measuring tape and scissors
Please be sure to read our 2025 policies before you register for a workshop which can be found here Workshop Policies
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