May 31, 2025 - May 31, 2025(9am - 5pm)

Spindle Turning Basics

Taught by: Jon Siegel

Workshop Fee: $175.00

Spindle turning, also called “between-centers turning” is used to make long pieces, such as furniture parts, in which the grain of the wood is parallel to the axis of the turning.  It differs from bowl turning because the workpiece is supported at both ends.   This technique is the historical root of all turning that originated thousands of years ago.

This workshop is for beginners or intermediate students, or those who have made bowls but want to expand their skills into the area of spindle turning.

This is a SKILLS BUILDING class, and no finished projects will be created.  What you will make are a lot of chips, and what you take home is a lot of knowledge and confidence.

Skills and Techniques:

Part One:  Getting Started

  • Identifying the chisels and other tools needed for spindle turning.
  • Understanding why chisels are shaped the way they are.
  • Sharpening the chisels.
  • Mounting the workpiece on the lathe.
  • Adjusting the lathe and getting ready to turn safely.
  • Preliminary rough turning of the work.


Part Two:  Making Precise Shapes; The FIVE BASIC EXERCISES:

  • The Ball
  • The Bottle
  • The Cove
  • The Vee
  • The Vee-into-square


Materials Fee: $25 paid directly to instructor. Fee covers both green (unseasoned) wood, and dry turning squares and the material will be prepared ahead of time.

Special Tools or Equipment: SMF has chisel sets for each turning station.  However, if you have your own chisels, you should bring them, and we’ll check that they are sharpened correctly.  If you have safety glasses or face shields that you are comfortable with, bring them.

Workshop Policies: Please be sure to read our policies before you register for a workshop which can be found here Workshop Policies

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(please choose all meals if you are staying on campus.)
We ask students to purchase a meal plan. Our chef can accommodate most dietary needs so please note any restrictions you want us to be aware of on the checkout page.
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